
Link Page

Contact Page

Silent Echoes Introduction

Silent Echoes Part One

Silent Echoes Part Two

The Silent SlideShow


Important links.
All the links below are either personal favorites, or will give you some info on the story (exposition, and what not).

Remember: Blizzard is responsible for all the content on this site, not legally but creatively. They were my inspiration for everything. Don't mistake my saying this for me being a Blizzard employee because I am NOT. What I mean is without Blizzard (and Chris Metzen) this page would not exist. Thanks!

Search Engines
Google Use this advanced search for finding lyrics to a song. Thanks, Shlonglor!
Lycos Pretty good for pictures. Nothing else though.

Favorite Sites
Blizzard Entertainment Home page of Blizzard Entertainment, makers of the finest games.
Battle.Net Supplemental servers ran by Blizzard, used for online play. Also house some of the greatest forums (haha) and strategy guides for various Blizzard games.
Best WC3 Info Page Go here for on-the-dot updates for WarCraft III.
Something Awful If you are a gamer, you have no right not knowing what this site is :P
Stile Project Please don't go here. The internet's best in the poet community. Great place, great writing.
WinMX Download this for all of your MP3 needs.


Copyright Paul Gleason, 2001-02. Can you copyright a link page? ;P