Silent Echoes: Part Two

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Silent Echoes Introduction

Silent Echoes Part One

Silent Echoes Part Two


Hours on end of the endless shivering and self-imposed torture began to wear him down. His shoulders were sagging slowly downward, legs going limp through the numbness. His neck no longer cared to support him as his head fell against the wall of the shed, snow falling off of his face. Yet, he could now feel warmth in the distance, growing closer. Where it once had been night, it now changed far too rapidly to day. Daesalliss snapped to consciousness, alert as he could be. The light was not of day, for it came far too fast. It began to seep through the cracks between the wooden boards of the shed, quietly shrieking with movement.
His ears perked up, red and swollen, at a noise coming swiftly at him. He leaned forward mere moments before being decapitated by a rather large morning star. The wall where the snow had entered was now splintered over his limp body, his arms keeping the lumber from crushing him. Through the cracks, the light came through and began to burn him. Even though he had snow rushing towards his eyes, he could make out a silhouette gleaming amidst the blizzard. It had a weary, slightly mad voice wrought with frustration and grief.
"You yet stalk me, creatures? It is never enough, is it?"
Before he had time to react an armored hand reached for his cloak that he used for warmth, now nothing more than a burden in battle. The madman made it quite clear that it was indeed a battle. He pushed aside the wood with one hand while throwing him out of the shed. Daesalliss landed on his back with his legs in the air, skidding a great distance through the snow. He managed to flip himself onto his stomach and slow the flight with his fingers clutching through the snow into the dirt. His cloak whipped back in the harsh wind of the blizzard.